I Can Draw Stuart Rapeport —
https://www.rapeport.com www.icandraw.net contact: stuart@rapeport.com please contact me to obtain a Stu's Stuff "one idea leads to another" catalogue or a cataloque of the Art Peeps, they are also available on Amazon.com
https://vimeo.com/758179333/8d742cc9f4 I Can Draw Stuart Rapeport —
https://www.rapeport.com www.icandraw.net contact: stuart@rapeport.com please contact me to obtain a Stu's Stuff "one idea leads to another" catalogue or a cataloque of the Art Peeps, they are also available on Amazon.com "Luck of the Draw" recent exhibition at Valnes with support from Molly Barnes and BG Gallery...check it out here: https://bggalleryshop.com/collections/luck-of-the-draw
- Stuart Rapeport .... fine art, I can draw....who knows...thanks for looking... scroll down for more images or View a bit more at www.icandraw.net Right Tool for the job... http://icandraw.net/id13.html
I Can Draw Stuart Rapeport —
www.rapeport.com www.icandraw.net contact: stuart@rapeport.com please contact me to obtain a Stu's Stuff "one idea leads to another" catalogue or a cataloque of the Art Peeps, they are also available on Amazon.com
Stuart Rapeport ....
fine art, I can draw....who knows...thanks for looking...
scroll down for more images or
View a bit more at www.icandraw.net
I Can Draw Stuart Rapeport —
www.rapeport.com www.icandraw.net contact: stuart@rapeport.com please contact me to obtain a Stu's Stuff "one idea leads to another" catalogue or a cataloque of the Art Peeps, they are also available on Amazon.com
Stuart Rapeport
artist's statement:
One idea leads to another.
My artwork holds free expression and humor in a delicate equipoise.
Representative work adjacent to other work creates a narrative. The narrative juxtaposed to the visual. It was in this context I began to see the space between the viewer and the artist as energized by the viewer, can the art work be complete without someone looking at it? #rapeport
- Never mind pick a card ..send a note if you'd like a deck ...
CV...Resume-&- Exhibition historyOne Person Exhibits
2022 Valnes Hub 1712 Ocean Park Bl, Santa Monica, Ca. curator Molly Barnes and Sung-Hee Son of BG Gallery
2014 itmarskthespot, New York, NY2012 Cal State University Northridge, Performance Center, James Sweeters cu- rator2012 Bleicher Gallery, Los Angeles, CA2009 Phantom Gallery-the Pike, Long Beach, CA2008 Dangerous Curve, Los Angles, CA2006 Home Box Office, Santa Monica, CA2006 Future Studio, Highland Park, CA1988 Hilbie's Corner Cafe, Los Angeles, CA1985 CA State University Los Angeles, CA1982 Art Space Gallery, Los Angeles, CA1980 Los Angeles Institute of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, CA1976 Newport Harbor Art Museum, Newport Beach, CAGroup Exhibitions2019-present installation Hollywood Heritge Preservation, Architect People6411 Hollywood Boulevard, Los Angeles Carlyle Coash director.2018 Artists and Bridges West Los Angeles College, curated by Molly Barnes,Culver City, Ca2018 “Pearly Gates Collection” High Desert Culture Center, curated by MichaelMcCall, Yucca Valley, Ca2018 Sanctuary, So Pasadena, in conjunction with Roybal Foundation2016 Maloof Botanical Garden, Alta Loma, California2015 Jamie Brook Gallery, nudes, curated by Eric Men Swenson2015 Art.i.fact Santa Fe, New Mexico2014 Valley Vista, curated by Damon Willick, Cal State University Northridge, Ca 2014 El Camino College, Torrance ,Ca2013 Manhattan Graphics Center, New York. NY2012 USC/County Hospital, curated by Kathy Gallegos,Violence Intervention Program2010 Bliecher Caporale Gallery, Los Angeles, CA2009 Calif State College, Los Angeles, Concrete Drawings2008 Avenue 50 Studio, Los Angeles, Ca2007 Phantom Gallery, ”School” Pasadena, CA2006 Eagle Rock Center for the Arts, “Flock”, Los Angeles, CA 2006 CA State University, Los Angeles, “Duchamp’s Leg” 2005 OCCCA, curator Peter Clothier, Santa Ana, CA2004 Absolut Chalk. Light Bringer Project, Pasadena CA2003 Brea Center for the Arts, Plein Aire Painting, Brea, CA 2002 Cheap Art Show 4th St gallery. Los Angeles, Ca 90012 2002 Mama's Tamales-Tamale festival, Macarthur Park, LA, Ca 2001 Absolut Chalk. Light Bringer Project, Pasadena CA2001 Mail Art Exchange, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, Ca 1999 Edinburgh Art Festival, Edinburgh, Scotland1999 RICO Gallery, Downtown,Outsider Art, Santa Monica, CA1998 DADA-Downtown Arts Development. Los Angeles ,CA1998 All City Open Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery, L A, CA 1991 Art Space Gallery, Los Angeles, CA1978 CLOSE Radio KPFK Alfandega Cattauragus1979 ARCO Biennial Exhibition, ARCO Center for the Arts LA, CA 1979 Barnsdale Art Park, Los Angeles, CA1978 Newport Harbor Art Museum, Newport Beach, Ca 1975 Janus Gallery, L A CABetty Gold Fine Modern Print, L A, CANewspace Gallery, L A, CA1974 Hygiene de L'Art Galerie la Bretesca, Geneva, Switzerland 1973 Newport Harbor Art Museum, Balboa Island, Ca1974 Los Angles Institute of Contemporary Art,Centuy City CA 1972 Saloon RR Raphael Rosario, Hollywood, CA1971 Brand Library and Art Center, Burbank, CA1970 Gallery West Los Angeles, CACurator2014 Gentrify this, Future Studio, Los Angeles,2013 Lowell Darling, Future Studio, Los Angeles2009 Los Angeles World Airport the 99 Cent Show co-curator Barry Markowitz 2008 Future Studio, “Stuff George Found”2007 Phantom Gallery Pasadena, Window hopping1983 Barry Markowitz. Paintings -Red Squirrel Gallery1982 Bill Anderson, paintings -Red Squirrel Gallery1978 Paul McCarthy-Contemporary Cure-all performanceGrants2007 Reinventing Trading Dirt grant from Getty, MOCA, LADCA and the Kaprow Foundation, with Avenue 50 Studio and Kathy Gallegos2009 Guest Curator LAX Airport art display, DCA and LAWA administation